Good thing these two are separated by that road or else there will be a big ricefield fight! haha! It's very creative, I wonder who's behind this artistic work?
So cute! Laze around little bear, I bet it's so comfy there on your vegetable bed but for sure in a while, that bed will be all cleaned out. Watch out for the big bites!
What's best to have for a table centerpiece? Veggies! I'm not sure what was used...guessing...cucumbers? Who needs flowers if you can have something edible like this?
Rats and mice are common in chinese dishes, well at some parts of china. I fon't think I'll ever give it a try not even the thought of it. Give me this mouse and I'll eat it! =) I'm not a vegitarian but I think this one I can stomach better than the real thing. See, isn't it cute?
Pumpkins are great subjects or materials for carving, that's what I think after seeing all the pumpkin vessels or bowls with such intricate designs and details. This is just amazing!
I wonder where's this train going? One thing for sure, it should avoid crossing and passing through hungry pangs along the way or else this beautiful perfection might just end up being bitten into pieces. =)
Is this paul frank? They do look alike! aha! look down there, a cat and a piggy. The barista must a be a pet lover, looks like he/she can create a latte zoo! =)
Sometimes I love strawberries with cream or leche condensada and if it's too sour even with salt. I'd say strawberries make a very good bouquet because it's so fragrant and appealing. Just look at this creation!
This is a new inclusion to our food designs list, salt dough art. I saw a craft book about this and from there my interest grew. I never thought you can do something like this with salt dough and preserve it for a very long time. This inspired me to research further for artworks and creations featuring this. This is just one of the very basic design, plain baked and unpainted.
Pumpkins are not only good for holloween, I just love this serving bowls! These pumpkins were carved intricately and later on used as a bowls or serving vessel. It's really good to have one of these but definitely it's not something we can buy off the rack anywhere. Very artistic!!!!
It's always fun to ride carriages most especially during my childhood days but I've never tried a butter carriage. Perhaps I can only stare at this beauty!
The bakers behind can prove they made this bread castle! I often see sand castles but never a bread castle like this. It already amazes me when I see some crazy designed breads so much more this one.
I am not so sure what kind of fruit was used but from the looks of it, I'm guessing papaya. Young papaya (green papaya) has the shape and colors similar to this. Very interesting artwork, I wish I'll get to learn this kind of art in time.
Who would ever think this is a chocolate carved bird? The details and everything are very refined and realistic. I wonder how long it took the carver to finish this masterpiece?
The combination of melons, apples, pineapples, strawberries, grapes, oranges & cantaloupes make a good fruit flower pots. It will be nice to serve to parties but will sure take your time preparing.
Here's another new...sugar art. It really looks like a rose flower. I'm happy and inspired because all of you always come back, subscribe and check our food designs postings. I never really thought these food wonders as how i call it could arouse that much interest among people. I keep trying to further extend my researches so that everybody can see new things here.
I came across this image while doing my research for new food designs and creations. You might wonder why I included this among the food designs since it's not the readily edible food. I honestly considered it among the food group - rice. I'm just so amazed with Japanese people's creativity. It really left me thinking how they were able to come up with such concept and apply the design on to the rice fields. I just want to share this image and a few more of the same kind on my future postings.
I'm not so sure what fruit or veggie was used for the bird's body but I'm guessing it's something like taro from the looks of it (I'm really unsure of my guess, haha). The tail looks so pretty.
Any Japanese couple will love this very unique cake. I can't believe that this is actually a sashimi / sushi cake. This proves that cakes are not supposed to be always sweet! To all sushi lovers out there, here's a special treat for you.
This is the only mouse that I think I could ever eat. Considering in other places of the world, they really cook rats (not to disgust anybody who can't stomach it), I'd rather settle for this cute sandwich coordinates.
I want to earn how to carve this good! The pumpkin carved vessel really has so much tiny details on it and if you add to the overall look of the presentation, the food really looks delicious.
This barn cows butter sculpture makes me think a whole lot more about butter. I can't figure out how that leaf like butter can hang nicely by the fence considering it's quite thin and tendency to be broken. However it's done, it's really good.
When I saw this chocolate masterpiece, I was really impressed with the details. I can't imagine how long it took the artist to carve out this very beautiful creation.